Monday 9 March 2015

Lace Face

Today we worked with creating lace effects on the skin using a number of materials such as wool, string and paint for example. 
Here is my experimentation although because of lack of time I was unable to finish lining the look that I created with wool. 

This look is all about the lace shapes and so to start we blocked out the eye brows using spirit gum and then camouflaging it so not to be seen, using D32 to bring back a natural tone and a layer of foundation to camouflage the brows.  

I then created a beautiful 3 dimensional base using two shades of contour. I used La Maquillage to create the base for the make up. I used a heavier coverage foundation as this is a more intense look. Also I felt this was most suitable as I was going to be working on the face with a number of materials and so a good coverage was important. 

To contour I also used the La Maquillage pallet to create two tones of brown that blend into each other seamlessly. This is a great way of creating a really beautiful 3 dimensional base that looks very well and naturally structured because of the blending of the two tones. 
Other then this the make up was relatively simple and was finished with a light coating of mascara and a very light set to the T zone to keep the natural dewey finish to the face. This is because the focus of this look is the lace patterning. 

To create the lace effect I decided to use the wool because it was a really vibrant and bright blue that suited my model well. 

I created shapes and patterns using Kryolan Aqua colour on the smallest brush that was available to me. I got the aqua colour to a creamy constancy for a neater application. 

When I was happy with my shapes I then used Liquid Latex to glue the wool onto the skin tracing of the shapes that I created, at this point an important health and safety point is to make sure that the liquid latex goes no where near the hair as it is almost impossible to get out of hair. 
Because of lack of time I was unable to trace over all the shapes and patterns I created with the wool however having a look at the picture below it gives you a good idea of the effectiveness of creating lace shapes on the skin. 

If this was to be done for a photo shoot I would use a red head or bald dolly head to create the shapes I wanted using liquid latex to stick on my pattern and let it dry. Once dry its can then be taken off as a head piece which saves a whole lot of time on a shoot environment which is an important factor. 

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