Monday 8 December 2014

Ombre Lips & Glitter Lips

Step One
Today we created some really cool glitter lips, When I got home I practised creating my own. To begin after sanitising my hands I applied black track from Mac to the back of my hand, This product dries really quickly so I closed the lip straight away. I then applied the black track with a clean brush onto my lips filling in the natural shape. The glitter that I used is loose glitter which of course needs something to stick to so using the same brush that I used to apply the black track I applied a small amount of vasaline on top of the black track. When this was done using a clean brush I patted on glitter onto my lips, On this occasion I used two different coloured glitters to create a nice effect, I used a darker purple on the lips apart from the centre, Then I applied a lighter silver and purple mix on the centre of the lip to create a kind of ombre effect as we had been practising ombre lips today and wanted to see how it would work with glitter! To clean up the glitter around my face I used masking tape patting it on to the skin around the lips pulling off any excess glitter this also helped me to keep the edges tidy. If I was to do this on a shoot or film environment for this reason I would make sure I do the glitter lips first! 

Some problems I faced when looking at the final image was that there is still a black line visible around some of the edges next time I will spend more time cleaning the outside edges with a cotton bud to remove the black line. I also I could have been bolder with the ombre effect as its not very clear. 

Ombre Lips
In our workshop we worked on creating ombre lips. I struggled with this greatly when working on my model for a number of reasons. On my model I applied a dark vampy red lip colour from my Kryolan Lip pallet, The lip colour I used was very glossy and because of this I struggle a lot when it came to blending, Once I applied the colour I lined the lips with Mac black eyeliner. This I did struggle with because of the size of my models lips I found that they were quite small and the lip line wasn't definite so I really had to be careful I was sticking to the natural shape if the lips. I also struggled with the black because with it being so dark and such a soft pencil it was very easy to make a error or a smudge so I really tried to keep my hand steady by leaning on my model gently and holding her head underneath her chin to keep her in a still position. Once I had applied the black liner I used a concealer brush drag the darker colour into the lip colour to create the ombre effect. I used a concealer brush because they are firmer and are better at dragging pencils into place. 
When I was lining the lips I asked my model to open her mouth so that I could line the corners properly as shown in the picture below. Where there was some errors to the lining I used a cotton bud and toner to remove them. I felt like I wasn't completely happy with the final outcome of my ombre lips. I think using such a glossy lipstick made it a lot harder for me to get that definite blend into to colours making it at one point look like the entire lips were black. To get it back to ombre I had to apply some more of the dark red lip colour onto the centre of the lips. 



Because I wasn't happy with the outcome in the workshop I felt like I needed more practise so I went home to practise on my self with different products using lipsticks with a matte texture not a glossy. I was a lot happier with this outcome and felt the ombre effect was a lot clearer. I used the same brushes and application technique. 

Please Play the video to see how I created Ombre Lips on myself 

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