Tuesday 7 June 2016

Costuming planning for Photographic shoot

My research on Alfred Cheney Johnston lead me to think about the type of costuming I wanted to use or create. Because of costs and timing I decided that I would purchase a costume/outfit. This is because I want to focus on making a head piece rather then a costume as many twenties costumes are easy to purchase.

In the majority of Cheney's photograph his subjects usually seem as if they are back stage in dressing rooms, still in costume or sometimes in lingerie. I want to use this style of costuming in final piece also. I have checked with my model and she is very confident and comfortable with modelling in this way. 

I took this inspiration and used to to find pieces of costuming I could use to style my model. As vintage is very much back in fashion I found it relatively easy to find pieces online with similar materials and styles. I looked for key characteristics I saw in Cheney's photographs, such as lace, tassels and velvet, I also looked for kimono style shapes as well as lingerie and dressing gown fits. 

At this point I have now purchased this lace kimono to be worn for the photographic assessment. This kimono most represented some of the iconic pieces worn in Alfred Chenney's photography. The materials and embellishments are very similar and I feel this will photography really well. 

This cost £49 and has increased my expenditure quite a lot. However I am happy with the look.

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