Tuesday 7 June 2016

Assessment and photoshoot

So today I had my photographic assessment. I faced a number of challenges along the way however on the flip side the pictures came out relatively ok and it helped me figure the changes that needed to be made in time for the final show. 

To begin on the day I ensured all health and safety points were adhered to. Such as putting on a gown to protect my model, adjusting seat height appropriately for both hair and make up, ensuring all electrical equipment was well out of hazardous areas and covering my models eyes with a cotton pad when blocking out the brows. 

Setting the hair
To begin with the look I set the hair in hot sticks. I copied the method I had used in my previous hair practice pos. This was very unsuitable for my model because this model had far longer hair. Because of this I wasted time putting the entire hair in hot sticks and realised at the end with the help from my lecturer that this was not necessary as only the top layer really needed to be waved and the back could be placed into pin curls and left to rest on the nape. This took up time into my assessment and gave me less time on make up and styling. I also should have alternated blue and red hot sticks to create a more definite wave. I used all red on the top and the waves did not take as well. I will be changing this and avoiding these mistakes in time for my final assessment. 

Dressing out the hair
When it came to dressing out the hair I did as instructed and placed the bottom half of the hair in pin curls to rest on the nape and focused on waving the top half before pinning the ends out of site. 
I was not happy with the depth of the waves and new that this needed to be changed however I used plenty of vita point and hair spray to help smooth the hair and create a more definite wave. 
On this occasion I was particularly happy with the styling of the hair and my main faults were to do with the setting. 

Make up
On the day of the photographic assessment the eye brows of course presented me with challenges. I used spirit gum and did not do enough layers, I had forgotten that spirit gum also needs a number of layers and powder in between. Not remembering this the hairs started to appear as I began to block them out and I was running low on time to be able to start again. 

The rest of the make up went really well with the help of my mood board and pictures from my previous practice I was able to improve on minor points from my initial practice by doing a better job with blending the eye shadow and creating a downwards 1920s shape. I felt I also improved on the eye brows creating more of a slanting shape true to the decade. 

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