Sunday 22 May 2016

Florenz Ziegfeld & The 'Follies'

The Ziegfeld Follies 
Follies Girls were the main subject for Alfred Cheney Johnston, who's work I will be using as inspiration for my final project. 

Because of this I decided to do a little background research during todays library trip to find out more of what it means to be a 'Follies Girl'.

Florenz Ziegfeld was an American Born producer who created the broadway show known as the Ziegfeld Follies. He himself was married to the well known entertainer Anna Held who has said to have encouraged the opening of the show.

Florenz Ziegfeld went on to create one of the most iconic and influential shows on broadway. The First Follies show opened in 1907 in New York quickly becoming successful.2 

The shows were elaborate and extravagant full of 'talented beautiful women, talented performers and the best popular songs of the time'.
Many of the most popular performers of the times were able to entertain on the Follies show such as Josephine Baker, Fanny Brice and Louise Brooks. 

The Follies shows continued after the 1920s as well as after the death of the Follies creator in 1936 however I have decided to focus my research on the Follies shows of the 20s. 

1. Farnsworth, M. (1956). The Ziegfield Follies. New York: Putnam.
2.Farnsworth, M. (1956). The Ziegfield Follies. New York: Putnam.
3.Farnsworth, M. (1956). The Ziegfield Follies. New York: Putnam.

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