Sunday 26 October 2014

Creating a 'natural' base and a 'full coverage' base.

In todays Workshop we discussed and practiced ways of creating a natural "No makeup look" base in comparison to "heavier" coverage base suitable for photographic shoots and Tv & Film. 

In this photo my model has the heavy base on her right side of her face. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get a photograph of the natural look base however I will be practising more of this look so will be sure to upload an example soon! 

Products used - 
  • Jurlique Moisturiser
  • La Maquillage - foundation palette with pink tones
  • Kryolan - Dermacolour Camouflage creme mini palette
  • Mac - Prep & Prime 

I think I have been quite successful with creating this heavy base but I do think there are some things that I will do differently from now on.

To start with in my demo it was explained when creating a heavy coverage its best to go in with the concealer first, this is because we are trying to achieve a heavy base so we want to be sure to cover all blemishes before going over with the foundation. On the other hand when creating a natural light base its best to go straight in with the foundation as this may be enough to conceal blemishes without the need for a concealer. There are other reasons for using a concealer first such as ensuring a correct colour match or to use minimal make up but in this case this was the purpose of using it first for the heavy coverage. 

I found working with the la Maquillage pallet slightly harder then using the Mac Face and Body for light coverage. Not only because I'm not used to it but because its a lot heavier and really needed to be worked into the back of my hand to loosen it up. I found it also needs to be mixed with other tones to create the right colour for my model where as often when using Mac not as much mixing needs to be done.

I feel my colour matching was to a good standard although I had some difficulties. When I was creating a heavy base as I was building the colour it started to get a little to warm I put this down to my inexperience using La Maquillage foundations, next time I must allow the foundation to oxidise for longer on the back of my hand and make sure the colour is a definite match with more test patches on the forehead where my models skin was lighter. 

 I overcame this by going over the face with a cooler foundation using back and forth brush strokes of the tip of the brush. This really cooled down the foundation and looked a lot better. And then applying Mac Prep&Prime to tone down the shine from using such heavy coverage. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of my end result. 

After this workshop I definitely prefer the natural base personally on an everyday basis not only for how it looks but also for comfort, the full coverage base feels uncomfortable and heavy on the skin.

Below is a picture of my Tutors Demonstration.
Left side - Heavy Base 
Right side - Light Base

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